A few of the rated BG’s I have been in we have been having issues with a fear bug, and our team has been getting feared into walls/stuck behind various things. The only solution has been to life grip the person out.
I feel like I should at least spread this solution around because I don’t think some priests are aware of this. ( Shouldn’t be bugged in the first place!!)
We were doing a Rated BG, and a Horde Pally was feared by myself into the boxes in the horde flag room. My team started to kill him while laughing at him. I told them stop ( killing him). We left him there, and I can imagine the raging he would have been doing on his vent. We were two flags down anyway, we weren’t going to win.
We could have killed him, and at least let him respawn, but I figured the times I’ve needed to life grip my team out of walls, and gotten no quarter for that, there was no reason to help them.
I could have gone so far to demonstrate a life grip in front of him to put the idea in his head, but no. I could have been a better person, I assumed eventually their priest would figure it out like I had to, but knew, that when she left him alone, and ran out of that room, that she didn’t know.
He was still there one horde flag room visit a few min later.
It’s kind of on moral/cheating grey ground. The bug in this case could have been to our advantage, and if we had won because of that I would not have felt good about it. I will take responsibility because I verbally stopped actions that would have eventually free’d him by default, and I explained the consequences to my team of leaving him there, that he was stuck.
There is also this faction difference. He was the enemy, freeing him from the bug would have been a mercy, and I doubt he would have responded kindly by refusing to kill or heal when it came to it. How could I free him knowing that he could be the instrument of my own death. ( yes very melodramatic)
Would you pass a person in distress? No
Would you look a Horde pally in the eye, knowing you could free him from his confines, and then leave him. Alone?
You may now address me as Corporal Zahraah. Obtained from BG’s that I didn’t have moral grey areas I needed to consider.