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O Queue

Most of my pvp friends had stopped logging in, and my new guild were somewhat surprised when they got the Classic Battles Guild  (exalted rep with classic battlegrounds)   achieve when I joined.  Pvp achievements? What?    and so on suggestion of one friend , I installed O Queue from curse

It’s  a raid/BG queuing system that uses battletags and basically over takes your friend invite system and you can wait list yourself for  other groups that people post through the mod.

You submit your battle tag to the Mesh,  and if you get accepted into a group it automatically adds your battle tag to the leaders group.

This feature was a little confusing because I kept getting spammed with new friend requests I couldn’t see, and I was a little concerned that the friend adding feature was now randomly adding me to flists. However,  from what we can work out,  it’s using the friend request feature in someway to ping their servers or to keep you connected to the mesh so they aren’t real friend requests.

This is an example of a weekend queue list below.   As you can see there is a large variety of groups going and you can see the min requirements.  Ticking the qualified box at the bottom will filter the groups that you can queue for .

It’s quite simple to set up your own, and you can set min restrictions such as resilience or Ilevel and what this does is filter/auto declines people who do not meet your min requirements.  I made the mistake for queuing for a Pvp group while in PVE gear and it rejected me.  So you had to be wearing the gear for it to pick up your stats

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If you hover over the person’s name who is the leader you get some stats which can be useful.  How many people are in the group. how many are in the wait list.  Wins and loses ect..

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I ended up leading and listing one Random BG group  ( 5 man semi premade)  because the guy who set the group up had to go before we even run one,  so I was made leader, and had to list the group.  As leader you get to see your wait list,  and you can pick people from that list to refill group as people left.

The most frustrating thing with this, is dealing with people.  I’ll quote a blue in relation to a 25 LFR post because it applies to a 1o man group,  or a 5 man group.

“….. We’d be happy to entertain ideas for how we can put a group of 25 strangers together, who all have different goals, expectations, and time constraints, and see each of them remain until the end regardless of anything else that happens in the raid or in their life (drops, wipes, wife came home, cat peed on foot, etc.) “  from forums

When I was ‘mean’ with people coming in from the wait list , I  told them if they weren’t ready to join group in 2 min or so then we would queue/find a replacement it worked well.   We played games, and for an hour we had the same 5 people.  When I got soft, and said sure,  I’ll wait for you for 5 min here,  and then another person had thing..  so 3 more min later..  and then 10 min and so on.

I also lost control of my group when someone else decided he was going to do his own thing.  Basic strat in Battle for Gil is our premade team would hit mines. He decided he was going to WW after I told them to go mines, and his response was ‘I’m going to do something different’  and I said you will weaken our offensive… we lost that BG.  Imagine saying that to your raid leader.  I’m going to do my own thing… I think this is one of the primary differences between pvp and pve mentality when it comes to organised teams in PVP. Respect for Raid leaders.

OQ has  a Public Vent with rooms available for use, and Max limit rooms to stop Spammers. We were in a room for one BG and kept getting visitors making random noises, talking /mumbling,  so I muted them and told the group I ended up leading to do the same.   One was somewhat annoying enough with his,  urgh I can only say the over sharing of his own personal enjoyment that I reported him. Within 2 min, a Mod popped into our chat to ask about the person I had reported,  I explained the circumstances and they were booted.  This was very efficient.

I like this system,  it takes the preform mods that we have used before to another level, and as there are more users there will be more options to use it for.  Oqueue lets you delete all your OQ added battletags which after you have lead a few, and you end up getting all these random people in your friendslist,  its a good thing to be able to clear them. You can also ban people  you don’t want to play with.  ( not had to test this)  I was very impressed with the Moderating of the vent,  and I ran/lead another group for 9 Bgs this arvo, and had no issues with spammers or bots at all.

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